Click the down arrow next to the search field. 单击搜索字段旁边的向下箭头。
Use the drop down arrow to display a list of all parameters as shown below. 使用下拉箭头显示所有参数的列表,如下所示。
You can move between each device node by using the up and down arrow keys. 通过使用上下方向键,可以在每个设备节点间移动。
Click the down arrow to step through and see that the price fails to change. 单击向下箭头进行分步执行,会看到价格没有变化。哦!
After uploading multiple files, Bob can switch between files by clicking on the down arrow located beside the Publish option. 上传了多个文件后,Bob可以通过单击Publish选项旁边的向下箭头来在这些文件之间切换。
The suggestion list for auto-completion can be navigated using up and down arrow keys. 自动完成的建议清单可以通过上下方向键导航。
To enter the user ID, click on the down arrow until the User ID field is highlighted. 要输入用户ID,请单击向下箭头,直到突出显示UserID字段为止。
Click on the yellow down arrow associated with the inline map. 在与内联映射关联的黄色向下箭头上单击鼠标。
Click the down arrow and a drop-down list will appear. 单击向下箭头,会出现一个下拉列表。
You can navigate to any views that are currently open in your workspace by pressing the up or down arrow. 您能够通过按下“up”和“down”箭头在工作空间中当前处于打开状态的任意视图中进行定位。
Select the blue down arrow associated with the submap and select Custom. 选择与submap关联的蓝色向下箭头,并选择Custom。
You may need to enable the console first by clicking the down arrow in the tab and clicking Enable. 您可能首先需要启动控制台,单击选项卡上的下箭头然后单击Enable。
Point to the file or folder name to display a down arrow. 指向文件或文件夹名称,将显示一个下箭头。
Up or down arrow for indicating stair direction. Direction can be specified. 用上箭头或下箭头指示楼梯的方向。可指定方向。
Occurs when the down arrow on a control is clicked. 当单击控件上的下箭头键时发生。
You can also use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys. 您也可以使用向上和向下箭头键。
Click the move up and move down arrow buttons to arrange the commands in the order in which you want them to appear on the quick access toolbar. 单击“上移”和“下移”箭头按钮安排命令,按照您希望这些命令在“快速访问工具栏”上出现的顺序排列它们。
Click the down arrow, and select Manage processing options. 单击向下箭头,然后选择“管理处理选项”。
Click the down arrow on the export test run results button and then click export test run results. 在“导出测试运行结果”按钮上单击下箭头,再单击“导出测试运行结果”。
Click the down arrow next to the scan button, and then click full scan. 单击“扫描”按钮旁边的“向下箭头”,然后单击“完整扫描”。
To select a topic, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys. 若要选择一个主题,请使用向上键或向下键。
In the project area dialog box, click the down arrow in the node in project area drop-down box. 在“项目区域”对话框中,单击“项目区域中的节点”下拉框中的向下箭头。
To use one of the words, point to it, click the down arrow, and then click insert or copy. 若要使用其中一个字词,请指向它,单击向下箭头,然后单击“插入”或“复制”。
In this case you can see there are10 different signatures, and you can look through them by clicking the up and down arrow keys. 在本例中,您可以看到10个不同的签名,可以通过单击向上键和向下键浏览它们。
Click to display a down arrow, and click delete. 单击以显示向下箭头,然后单击“删除”。
Hover the mouse over the term and notice the icon with the down arrow. 将鼠标悬停在该词汇上方,将会发现指针图标变为下箭头。
Now I'm hitting the down arrow. 先在我敲下箭头键。
Click the down arrow to subtract points from an attribute. 按向下箭头会从特技中减去点数。
When a desktop alert appears, click the down arrow on the alert. 出现“桌面通知”时,单击通知上的向下箭头。
Click the up and down arrow keys to move the menu item within the menu. 单击向上键和向下键,在菜单内移动菜单项。